That’s right, when you purchase parts or service at one place, you’ll receive credit at another participating company under the Greenwich AeroGroup umbrella. It’s just our way of saying we hope you come back again and again… and again!
Our one-stop-shop program enables customers to use their rebate toward any and all aircraft needs, including parts (including nonstock items), maintenance, modifications, interior refurbishments and aircraft paint.
If you spend $20K in maintenance at Summit Aviation, you’ll receive a $1,000 credit (5% of your maintenance invoice) toward purchasing parts at Professional Aviation Associates, which you can use 20% at a time. Meaning you can apply 20% of $1,000 ($200.00) towards each of your next five (5) parts orders from Professional Aviation Associates.
If you spend $20K for parts over a year at Professional Aviation Associates, you’ll receive a $1,000 credit (5% of your purchase) toward a maintenance event at Summit Aviation, which you can use the entirety of during your event.
Want to speak with us about how Perks+ works for you? Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.